Polish Universities in International Perspective

Rankings and Strategic Management of a University

Warsaw December 3-4, 2018


Luiz Claudio Costa

President IREG

Former Acting Minister of Education and Vice-Minister of Education, Federal Government of Brazil, Former Rector of Federal University of Viçosa. Former President of the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (INEP), Brazil. Former Vice President of the PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) of OECD.

Prof. Luiz Costa, born 1958, PhD from the Reading University (UK) currently serves as Academic Vice Rector of IESB University, Brazil.

He published more than 300 scientific papers nationally and internationally and advised over 60 Doctor’s and Master’s theses, and scientific researches papers. Besides that, he was a member of the Brazilian National Council for Education (CNE), President of the Brazilian Society of Agricultural Meteorology.

Keynote speaker and participants at important international conferences on higher education and rankings.

He was leader of the research team on Climate Change and Agriculture of the World Meteorological organization (WMO), from 2006 to 2010. Reviewer of the 5threport of IPCC (UN). Coordinator of the Committee for Climate Change and Agriculture of the National Institute for Research and Technology on Climate Change (CNP), from 2008 to present.

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Jarosław Gowin
Minister of Science and Higher Education


Perspektywy Education Foundation


Conference of Rectors of Academic
Schools in Poland

Polish Accreditation Committee

Substantive Partner

Tech Partner
