Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary) ELTE
As the leading research university in Hungary, the name of ELTE means knowledge, opportunities, competition, openness and community.
Facts and figures
- In terms of student and staff excellence, it is the best university in Hungary
- The number of Hungarian applicants rose in almost all programmes in 2021.
- Market research shows that it is one of the most popular Hungarian brands
- Among the top 300 universities in Europe (CWTS Leiden Ranking)
ELTE offers the widest range of higher education qualifications Hungary
- 9 faculties (Economics, Education and Psychology, Humanities, Informatics, Law, Primary and Pre-School Education, Science, Social Sciences, Special Needs Education)
- over 170 degree programmes in Hungarian
- over 100 degree programmes for international students (no Hungarian required)
- international students from more than 120 countries
Hungary’s largest scientific establishment
- 72 academicians (20% of all academicians) of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- 17 Doctoral Schools, 128 Doctoral Programmes
- 7 Colleges for talented students
Hungary’s most popular university
- 35,870 students
- The best University in Hungary (HVG Diploma 2021)
- Every fourth applicant chooses ELTE in Hungary