University of Warsaw and Jagiellonian University in Krakow are the winners in the Perspektywy University Ranking 2017. They took ex-equo the first place in the ranking. Warsaw University of Technology is the third. Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and Wrocław University of Technology were ex-equo fourth. Amog the private schools Kozminski University defended the title of the best private university in Poland, SWPS University of Social Sciences was second and Lazarski University was third.

Ranking by subjects were published covering 68 main fields of studies in 8 areas from administration to management, These rankings are of particular importance for the candidates for students as they allow to compare not just universities but also learn where the subject of choice is taught on the highest level.

- Ranking is an annual updated map of the quality of Polish higher education – said Waldemar Siwinski, president of Perspektywy Education Foundation. - The basic contours of the map are solid, but the movements of the academic formation do not cease working. One colleges are on the plateau, the others are on the top, the others are still in the valleys. In general, we are witnessing the process of improving Polish academia, which has to fulfill an increasingly important role and this role fulfills very well.

Thanks to several years of efforts by Perspektywy Education Foundation, its University Ranking has gained high esteem. Its criteria are modified and improved according current changes on education market and its requirements. Perspektywy University Ranking 2017 tried to reflect the changes that are taking place in higher education.

Piotr Müller, Director of the Office of the Minister of Ministry of Science and Higher Education congratulated Representatives of the best universities on behalf of Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Science and Higher Education Jarosław Gowin.

Rectors of best universities in 2017, in Poland (from the left): Cezary Madryas - Wroclaw University of Technology, Marcin Pałys - University of Warsaw, Wojciech Nowak - Jagiellonian University, Jan Szmidt - Warsaw University of Technology and Andrzej Lesicki - Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan./Fot. Krzysztof Wojciewski

- I am pleased that in the Perspektywy Rankingy have included new instruments of university evaluation, ie the Economic Fate of Graduates and the quality of canidates admitted to study. In the works on the new law, which will be presented in September this year, we look closely at these indicators. In a sense, the Perspektywy ranking shows where the money will be available and for what goals, he said.

The Perspektywy University Ranking results were announced in Warsaw on 12 of June 2017 in the presence of over 200 rectors and deans representing universities from all over the Poland. (in Polish) (in English) (in English)